What areas do you cover?

We happily service all of the Chicagoland area, Northwest Indiana, and Parts of Wisconsin wherever the needs is, we go!

How much does this service cost?

We accept Medicare Part B, most BCBS plans, AETNA, UHC, and over 120 more plans! For the uninsured we have an affordable cash pay price list and, the option of payment plans. Unfortunately, we do not accept any HMO plants at this time.

What Lab do you use?

Because we believe in providing you with the best possible experience overall. We have teamed up with one of the most prestigious Hospital Laboratories in Illinois, Together, our standard of care is unparalleled!

Can you do Point of Care Testing?

Because we are a CLIA waived clinical Laboratory we can provide our patients with an array of POC testing such as PT/INR, Glucose levers, Urinalysis, Covid Tests, Covid Antibody, and so much more!

How soon can I get my results?

To maintain a First-Class service. We work around the clock to send out results.

While we can provide same day results for the common labs, more complex tests can take 2-4 days to come back.